От: Skrill Secret Word
Сега го намерих.
I see a Gateway Usage Fee in my account. What is that? There are two different cases in which you may see a Gateway Usage Fee in your transaction history:
A: If you used our payment gateway the previous month and are not using one of our partnered eCommerce Solutions for your website, you will be charged the Gateway Usage Fee in the beginning of the current month.
B: If your website is using an eCommerce Solution partnered with Skrill, a minimum monthly fee will be applied to your account provided that the total amount of receive money and per transactions fees you’ve been charged the previous month is below €10.00. The minimum monthly fee amount is a variable and depends on the total of your receive and per transaction fees for the previous month. If the total was €9.50, your fee will be €0.50. The minimum monthly fee will appear in your account as Gateway Usage Fee. A detailed example is provided here.
What is Merchant Service Fee?
If you have not had any upload, withdrawal, send money or receive money transactions within the last 6 months, you will be charged an inactivity fee of €19.95 per month. This fee applies for commercial user or merchant type accounts and is detailed in article 9. of our Merchant Terms and Conditions
Добавяйки и:
Chargeback protection for merchants:
7.9% за всякакви рискови бизнеси и предмети си е задължително това;
Currency conversion: **We add 2.99% for transfers between USD, GBP, EUR, CAD or PLN currencies.
3.99% for transfers between USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, PLN and any other currency (BGN е и тук). 4.99% for transfers involving any other currency.
Нещо доста дебели станаха таксите… Ако да речем е BG Merchant acc и той по незнание случайно е избрал при регистрацията си BGN, яко го яде. И да речем има под €2500 месечно, то за
item, струващ €50 таксите ще са:
• 2.90% commercial transaction fee (€1.45 в сл.);
• 7.90% chargeback fee (€3.95 в сл.);
• 3.99% currency conversion fee (€1.96 в сл.);
Общо fees: 14,79% (€7,36) :shock:. Ако махнем chargeback fee-то за нискорискови предмети, за които се знае, че едва ли ще използват customers чорени карти и accs, за да ги пазарят, то съответно % става 6.89% (€3,41).