От: Миграция от Джумла към WP
Ето тука намерих нещо, свалих файловете, има и описание, което не ми изглежда чак толкова трудно, ако може някой да помогне преди да започна?
# INFO #
# Author: Rodney Blevins (
www.blevins.nl/missiontech) #
# Mutated to Wordpress 2.6.x by Jeremiah Hester #
www.jeremiahhester.com |
www.pixelnated.com #
# Date: September 24, 2008 #
# Version: 0.9.1 #
# #
# Made some minor fixes and tested with wordpress 2.6x #
# #
# #
# Note: This was created for and tested in #
# Joomla v. 1.0.x & 1.5.x #
# Word Press v. 2.6.x #
** note/tip **
You do not have to have Joomla installed in the location in which
you are doing the porting but the data has to be loaded in the data base.
ie: Dump and load the data to another area even though it is read only from that end\
** I recommend you create categories in wordpress to store the ported data.
* also, make a backup of your wordpress install before you continue.
1. Create a folder in your WordPress root called
2. Update the config.php file with your own
database names, mysql user name, password, table prefix and
host name.
3. Upload index.php and config.php to the "export"
folder on your website.
4. Surf to
http://your-wp-installation/export and
follow the steps to import your articles or
links into WordPress.
DISCLAIMER: Use this at your own risk. I have tested
it extensively on my own server, but this does not
mean it might not break your website accidentally.
As always with this kind of thing, you should back
up your WordPress database before using this wizard.