Някой с информация за новия Sofia Tech Park ???


Здравейте колеги и приятели. Интересно ми стана за новия парк, който ще се стои. Става дума за Sofia Tech Park.

50 милиона евро по ОП „Конкурентоспособност” се предоставят за изграждането на Sofia Tech Park.

Ресурс: До няколко месеца ще е готова концепцията за Sofia Tech Park

За мен лично това ще е нещо много уникално и нужно, да не говорим, че с него ще затвърдим всякакви мнения, че България е IT центъра на Балканите. :)

Чудех се дали някой следи тази тема и какво реално ще представлява.
Интересно. Ето какво намерих:

The Bulgarian head of state met with representatives of Google, Microsoft, facebook, Amazon and others at a round-table discussion themed “Creating innovative eco-system”.
Sofia Tech Park will be built at the 4th kilometre road juncture in Sofia, close to the Aviation Square, over 270 decares. Two new streets will be built to service the Tech Park. The project will be realised in two or three stages, as some BGN 100 million is provided for the first one under the Competitiveness OP. The park will consist of three or four buildings, as the main one will shelter offices of big IT companies. Bulgaria will invite companies such as Google, Microsoft, Cisco and others.
The second building will be a museum of science and technology. The museum will be interactive and will even offer education games for children.
The third building will be the so-called incubator – a place for start-up companies, which will be offered different services helping them to start their business.
There will be many green areas and a big cafe.
