и весели празници. Преди няколко дена попаднах на този изключителен готин веб панел, все още не съм го ползвал но като видя какви добавки гласят да му сложат честно казано ме впечетли. Има си admin и user панел, всичко каквото му трябва на един вебмастер.
CentOS Web Panel come with lots of features and free services:
***Now with Admin and Client panel***
CWP automatically installs full LAMP on your server
(apache,php, phpmyadmin, webmail, mailserver…)
What is installed and configured during installation of CWP
- Apache Web Server (Mod Security + OWASP rules optional)
- PHP 5.4 (suPHP, SuExec + PHP version switcher)
- MySQL + phpMyAdmin
- Postfix + Dovecot + roundcube webmail (Antivirus, Spamassassin optional)
- CSF Firewall
- File System Lock (no more website hacking, all your files are locked from changes)
- Backups (optional)
- AutoFixer for server configuration
3rd Party Aplications
- CloudLinux + CageFS + PHP Selector
- Softaculous – Script Installer (Free and Premium)
CentOS Web Panel (CWP)
- Setups Server for Web Hosting (websites like WordPress…)
Web Server
- Varnish Cache server (improve your server performances by 3x)
- Compiles Apache from source (improves up to 15% on performances)
- Apache reCompiler + Additional modules install with one click
- Apache server status, configuration
- Edit apache vhosts, vhosts templates, include configuration
- Rebuild all apache Virtual hosts with one click
- suPHP & suExec (improved security)
- Mod Security + OWASP rules (one click install, easy management)
- Tomcat 8 server management & install in one click
- DoS protection from the Slow-Loris attacks
- Compiles PHP from source (improves up to 20% on performances)
- PHP switcher (switch between PHP versions like: 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)
- Simple php editor
- PHP addons with one click
- PHP.ini editor & PHP info & List modules
- php.ini per user account (you can add changes in /home/USER/php.ini)
- CloudLinux + PHP Selector
User Management
- Add, List, Edit adn Remove Users
- User Monitoring (list users open files, listening sockets…)
- Shell access management
- User Limit Managment (Quota and Inodes)
- Limit Processes: The maximum number of processes available per account.
- Limit Open Files: The maximum number of open files available per account.
- User FTP & File Manager
- CloudLinux + CageFS
- Dedicated IP per account
- FreeDNS (Free DNS Server, no need for additional IPs)
- Add, Edit, List and Remove DNS zones
- Edit nameserver IPs
- DNS zone template editor
- postfix & dovecot
- MailBoxes, Alias
- Roundcube webmail
- Postfix Mail queue
- rDNS Checker Module (check you rDNS records)
- AntiSPAM (Spamhaus cronjob)
- Re-Build Postfix/Dovecot Mail server with (AntiVirus, AntiSpam Protection)
- Email Auto Responder
- Hardware Information (CPU core and clock info)
- Memory Information (Memory usage info)
- Disk Info (Detailed Disk status)
- Software Info (kernel version, uptime…)
- Services Status (Quick services restart eg. Apache, FTP,Mail…)
- ChkConfig Manager (Quick list and manage your services)
- Network port usage
- Network configuration
- SSHD configuration
- Auto-Fixer (checks important configuration and tries to auto-fix issues)
- Live Monitoring (Monitor services eg. top, apache stats, mysql…)
- Use Java SSH Terminal/Console within panel
- Services Configuration (eg. Apache, PHP, MySQL…)
- Run shell commands in screen/background
- CSF Firewall (Best Linux Firewall)
- SSL generator
- SSL Certificate Manager (quick and easy installation of SSL Certs)
- CloudLinux + CageFS
- MySQL Database Managment
- Add local or remote access user
- Live Monitor MySQL process list
- Create, Remove database
- Add additional users per database
- MySQL server configuration
- PhpMyAdmin (database managment)
Additional options
- TeamSpeak 3 Manager (Voice servers)
- Shoutcast Manager (Shoutcast streaming servers)
- Auto-update
- Backup manager
- File Manager
- Virtual FTP users per domain
- cPanel Account Migration (restores files, databases and database users)
Ето какво се предлага в селдващата версия
Version 0.9.8 (coming soon)
- New Easy DNS Zone Manager (with ajax)
- New DNS Zone list with Additional resolving information using google (also checking rDNS, nameservers….)
- PHP Selector, Now you can select PHP version per user or per folder (PHP 4.4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6)
- FFMPEG, For Video streaming websites)
Ще има и FFMPEG (на тези на които не могат да си го инсталират като мене
Ето линк към сайта: http://centos-webpanel.com/
Ето линк за DEMO
и весели празници. Преди няколко дена попаднах на този изключителен готин веб панел, все още не съм го ползвал но като видя какви добавки гласят да му сложат честно казано ме впечетли. Има си admin и user панел, всичко каквото му трябва на един вебмастер.
CentOS Web Panel come with lots of features and free services:
***Now with Admin and Client panel***
CWP automatically installs full LAMP on your server
(apache,php, phpmyadmin, webmail, mailserver…)
What is installed and configured during installation of CWP
- Apache Web Server (Mod Security + OWASP rules optional)
- PHP 5.4 (suPHP, SuExec + PHP version switcher)
- MySQL + phpMyAdmin
- Postfix + Dovecot + roundcube webmail (Antivirus, Spamassassin optional)
- CSF Firewall
- File System Lock (no more website hacking, all your files are locked from changes)
- Backups (optional)
- AutoFixer for server configuration
3rd Party Aplications
- CloudLinux + CageFS + PHP Selector
- Softaculous – Script Installer (Free and Premium)
CentOS Web Panel (CWP)
- Setups Server for Web Hosting (websites like WordPress…)
Web Server
- Varnish Cache server (improve your server performances by 3x)
- Compiles Apache from source (improves up to 15% on performances)
- Apache reCompiler + Additional modules install with one click
- Apache server status, configuration
- Edit apache vhosts, vhosts templates, include configuration
- Rebuild all apache Virtual hosts with one click
- suPHP & suExec (improved security)
- Mod Security + OWASP rules (one click install, easy management)
- Tomcat 8 server management & install in one click
- DoS protection from the Slow-Loris attacks
- Compiles PHP from source (improves up to 20% on performances)
- PHP switcher (switch between PHP versions like: 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)
- Simple php editor
- PHP addons with one click
- PHP.ini editor & PHP info & List modules
- php.ini per user account (you can add changes in /home/USER/php.ini)
- CloudLinux + PHP Selector
User Management
- Add, List, Edit adn Remove Users
- User Monitoring (list users open files, listening sockets…)
- Shell access management
- User Limit Managment (Quota and Inodes)
- Limit Processes: The maximum number of processes available per account.
- Limit Open Files: The maximum number of open files available per account.
- User FTP & File Manager
- CloudLinux + CageFS
- Dedicated IP per account
- FreeDNS (Free DNS Server, no need for additional IPs)
- Add, Edit, List and Remove DNS zones
- Edit nameserver IPs
- DNS zone template editor
- postfix & dovecot
- MailBoxes, Alias
- Roundcube webmail
- Postfix Mail queue
- rDNS Checker Module (check you rDNS records)
- AntiSPAM (Spamhaus cronjob)
- Re-Build Postfix/Dovecot Mail server with (AntiVirus, AntiSpam Protection)
- Email Auto Responder
- Hardware Information (CPU core and clock info)
- Memory Information (Memory usage info)
- Disk Info (Detailed Disk status)
- Software Info (kernel version, uptime…)
- Services Status (Quick services restart eg. Apache, FTP,Mail…)
- ChkConfig Manager (Quick list and manage your services)
- Network port usage
- Network configuration
- SSHD configuration
- Auto-Fixer (checks important configuration and tries to auto-fix issues)
- Live Monitoring (Monitor services eg. top, apache stats, mysql…)
- Use Java SSH Terminal/Console within panel
- Services Configuration (eg. Apache, PHP, MySQL…)
- Run shell commands in screen/background
- CSF Firewall (Best Linux Firewall)
- SSL generator
- SSL Certificate Manager (quick and easy installation of SSL Certs)
- CloudLinux + CageFS
- MySQL Database Managment
- Add local or remote access user
- Live Monitor MySQL process list
- Create, Remove database
- Add additional users per database
- MySQL server configuration
- PhpMyAdmin (database managment)
Additional options
- TeamSpeak 3 Manager (Voice servers)
- Shoutcast Manager (Shoutcast streaming servers)
- Auto-update
- Backup manager
- File Manager
- Virtual FTP users per domain
- cPanel Account Migration (restores files, databases and database users)
Ето какво се предлага в селдващата версия
Version 0.9.8 (coming soon)
- New Easy DNS Zone Manager (with ajax)
- New DNS Zone list with Additional resolving information using google (also checking rDNS, nameservers….)
- PHP Selector, Now you can select PHP version per user or per folder (PHP 4.4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6)
- FFMPEG, For Video streaming websites)
Ще има и FFMPEG (на тези на които не могат да си го инсталират като мене

Ето линк към сайта: http://centos-webpanel.com/
Ето линк за DEMO