Проблем ли ще е за сео да инсталирам SSL

SEO Advantages of Switching to HTTPS
It is clear that HTTPS offers security, so it is definitely the choice to put you in Google’s good graces. There are also some additional SEO benefits for you to consider.

  1. Increased rankings.
The obvious one. As stated, Google has confirmed the slight ranking boost of HTTPS sites. Like most ranking signals, it is very hard to isolate on its own, but this is still something to keep in mind. On the plus side, the value of switching to HTTPS is very likely to increase over time.

  1. Referrer Data.
When traffic passes to an HTTPS site, the secure referral information is preserved. This is unlike what happens when traffic passes through an HTTP site, and it is stripped away and looks as though it is “direct.”

  1. Security and privacy.
HTTPS adds security for your SEO goals and website in several ways:

  • It verifies that the website is the one the server it is supposed to be talking to.
  • It prevents tampering by third parties.
  • It makes your site more secure for visitors.
  • It encrypts all communication, including URLs, which protects things like browsing history and credit card numbers.
правиш си Redirect 301 от non-https to https и нямаш проблем. С какъв уеб сървър си?
Прочети си условията и виж за колко време трае този "безплатен" ssl, да не се окажеше изненадан
Така или иначе това не е безбюджетни сайтове
Отделно ще си платиш и за ip
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