От: Търся някой, който умее да пише статии на английски.
Здравей,видях поста ти за писане на статии на английски език.Ще ти покажа статия писана от мен,ако харесаш начина на писане можем да работим заедно.Благодаря!Извинявай,но тъй като съм нов във форума и не мога да ти пратя лично съобщение.
“Money are in the air”
Every time when you type in search engine phrases like "online
money","fast money from internet" and etc.(you know very well) result
is the same like last time. Schemes are so many and you can lose many
time for the same bullshit and finally:lost time-no money.It`s not cool
really.Okay stop, you maybe know everytning what i said now,but if you
still put in search engines the same keywords you really need to read
rest part of this article.
OKAY.You will ask me,where are the money then?What is the magic
formula?What i need to do?How many times i will fall,when i try?
Specifically i think that,you dont ask me you ask yourself everytime.I will
tell you something"The money are in the air" and you need "smell them
and catch them".Yes there are magic formula and this is the only way
you can earn money:HARD WORK,becouse the only time "success"
comes before "work" is in the dictionary.
I will give you some really ways to make money,but i can give you only
this,from you depends,because evryone has unique skills inside.And you
need to remember,you have "beutiful mind"just dance with him.
I have a dream to live in big city,maybe like you and become a freelance
street photographer.This is really very intresting i think.Before several
days i was in London,when i stay at the metrostation and just watching
in every one second have history,story and money.Big citys,can give you
very intresting things for photography,in our world this is what people
search INTRESTING THINKS and this is what can be sold of course.Today
quality photos are very wanted product and will be more and more.
Hmm online trading.In web space have many articles for online
trading.The true is there are many dealers,online stores small and
big,but always will have space to more one.But you need to think and
research very well the market.Most important thing,which must foresee
this are the costs.Many people start online commerce in auctions like
Ebay,Amazon or own onlinestore and fall very fast,because they just
don`t "make account" of their costs.If you can calculate your cost
well,don`t worry about what you sell,here have people for everything,if
you dont believe me see how many ideas at first time looks like
illogical,but they managed.Here have people for everything.
WRITING.This is the true.I let this for last point,because i think this is
most unique way to make money.Why?Because is art,communication
and passion.With this article i apply for became part of writing team
maybe.Why i want this,because every word worth the money.I dont
know how you can be succesful writer,because i`m not still,but if you
have passion or knowledge at same direction you compulsory need to
write.Don`t be egoist tell to world what you know,and world will pay off
be sure.