Няма да нападат САЩ искат нов договор за сигурност в Европа, и нов глобален договор за сигурност САЩ - Китай - Русия, на което Джо се изсмя през Декември и затова стигнахме до тук
аха, само че се зачетох, и САЩ още тогава са имали данни за орките, че се събират на 'учения'. И Украйна е причината за тези неща, а не следствието.

Russia hands draft security pacts to US, expects quick talks
The Kremlin says Russia has submitted draft documents outlining security arrangements it wants to negotiate with the United States and its NATO allies
In a video call with Putin last week, Biden voiced concern about a buildup of Russian troops near Ukraine and warned him that Russia would face “severe consequences” if Moscow attacked its neighbor.
Putin has denied plans of launching an invasion and reversed the conversation by prodding Western leaders to provide legally binding guarantees precluding NATO's expansion to Ukraine and the deployment of the alliance's weapons there, calling such actions a “red line” for Moscow.
The U.S. and its allies have refused to provide such pledges, but Biden and Putin agreed last week on further talks to discuss Russia's concerns.
In a statement late Thursday, NATO ambassadors said they are “gravely concerned by the substantial, unprovoked, and unjustified Russian military build-up on the borders of Ukraine in recent months, and reject the false Russian claims of Ukrainian and NATO provocations.”
Цялата ти теза пада, защото ЦРУ още есента имаха разузнавателни данни, който впоследствие направиха прецедент, да декласифицират част от информацията.
By autumn, Washington had decided it needed to do something with what it was being told by its spies. That decision, those involved say, was taken at the very highest level of the White House by President Biden.
A crucial moment came in early November when CIA Director William Burns travelled to Moscow - to warn that Washington knew what was being planned.
И разбира се, скептицизма, и колко хора и страни дори, не ги взеха насериозно
Some European partners did not buy the analysis that Russia's build-up was anything more than bluff. A scepticism about Anglo-American intelligence was also another legacy of Iraq's missing weapons of mass destruction. France has recently sacked its head of military intelligence for failing to appreciate what was being planned.

U.S. warns of possible Russian invasion of Ukraine with 175,000 troops as soon as January
The plans involve extensive movement of 100 battalion tactical groups with an estimated 175,000 personnel, along with armor, artillery and equipment, according to an administration official.

CIA director dispatched to Moscow to warn Russia over troop buildup near Ukraine | CNN Politics
President Joe Biden dispatched CIA Director Bill Burns to Moscow earlier this week to warn the Kremlin that the US is watching its buildup of troops near Ukraine's border closely, and to attempt to determine what is motivating Russia's actions.

CIA Director Reportedly Warned Russian Intelligence Over Havana Syndrome
Russia will face “consequences” if its spies are found to be behind the alleged attacks, CIA Director William J. Burns reportedly said.

Съжалявам, ама да обвинявате САЩ за всичките грешки на клошарите не става, особено като ви хванаха по бели гащи още есента, че ще атакувате, а Кремъл обясняваше, че е 'хистерия' на запада всичко това с информацията.

Чети внимателно третата точка - лъжите на клошарите. Много е удобно рашките все някой друг да им е виновен, и да ги спъва в живота, ама тези едно говорят, друго вършат, трето мислят - затова се гледа по делата, а не какво плямпат от Кремъл.Според същата пропаганда Русия не е нападала Украйна през 2014г. в Донбас а някакви местни "руски патриоти" са се били с украински фашисти, които са тероризирали населението и са вършели престъпления ... разбира се отдавна маските паднаха и се изясниха много неща в миналото за които имаше някакви съмнения.
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