Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria


New Member
Registering to this forum was a task for me, becaise I don't speak bulgarian.
So I'm searching a man from bulgaria, who can help, ofcourse I will pay.
First of all your task will be to activate account for me. Because I need bulgarian number. And second we will discuss in private.
I'm paying by paypal.
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

Sorry, maybe my threat is unclear, If there is any intersted man, who want to earn, contact me. There is anything illegal or something like that.
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

You need bank account? Personal or corporate?

If you want personal bulgarian bank account you should go to the bank in person.

Your offer is very suspicious. It looks like you are searching for a money mule.

Това е много съмнително бизнес предложение, много прилича на набиране на мулета за прехвърляне на пари (придобити чрез кражби или други незаконни дейности).
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

No I need, a person from bulgaria, and it's nothing related to banking. I need a man who have mobile cards to verify my accounts, because I'm not from bulgaria. This is first task.
And later, I will sent him packages by mail. And then he will need to resend it. In these packages will be anything illegal contest. A man which I will coperate, will check it herself.
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

Registering to this forum was a task for me, becaise I don't speak bulgarian.
So I'm searching a man from bulgaria, who can help, ofcourse I will pay.
First of all your task will be to activate account for me. Because I need bulgarian number. And second we will discuss in private.
I'm paying by paypal.

First of all what account must that person activate for you? What exact Bulgarian number you need? In other words its not clear exactly what you need...
Better find a lawyer to meke all that things for you
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

will be anything illegal.

Maybe you want to say "will not be anything illegal"? It looks like you are using Google Translate.
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

It's very simple what I need. Just a man who want to be my assistent in Bulgaria, to send packages to all worldwide. And activate accounts.
I'm a big seller, and I need a assistent from your country...

Lol, I was using google translate to get registered to this forum. Yes that what I ment.
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

mobile cards to verify my accounts

Maybe you have bank account and "anonymous" debit card (from WBK Zachodni Bank or similar bank) with fake bulgarian billing address and you want someone to verify it with his phone number and address?

And later, I will sent him packages by mail. And then he will need to resend it.

Maybe this package will contain debit card from the bank?
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

Happyslacker, you right, that I'm using wbk cards, but I have veryfied it. I need to verify my identity to another site.
No, packages will be very luxury.
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

Still waiting, who wants to earn.
Please pm, if you are interested, or have questions...
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

It looks like you are searching for a "mail drop" service. mail drop каза:
mail drop
1. A receptacle or slot for the delivery of mail.
2. An address or place at which a nonresident person receives mail, often of a secret nature.

How to be sure that packages are not bought with stolen debit/credit cards?
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

Did you found They offer such service in Bulgaria and many other countries.

Eastern Europe $39 per month with a minimum 3 months subscription in advance. The postal/activity deposit is $50

TOTAL $167

Telephone and Fax services

For $99 per month you will be provided with 1) your own Telephone number in Sofia answered in your name or company name by a secretary 2) an individual fax number. After each message is received you will be alerted by a message to your mobile.


Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with and I don't know anything about quality of their services.
This is not a really professional offer, Hernizs.

You should form it adequately and respect the people who will supposedly trust you with their phone number and address.
Secondly, do you pay in advance? No one in their right mind will agree to a contract where nothing is certain and nothing has been said. I certainly wouldn't.

You should specify with names and titles - what is your store, where are you from and what are you planning to use these Bulgarian accounts for.
Or are you ashamed of something?
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

Толкова ли не може да се чатнете, че това е някакъв скамер? Кой нормален "big seller" ще си превежда с Google translate, вместо да си наеме преводач?
От: Searching bussiness partner from Bulgaria

Не е точно така. Тези "land line" номера не приемат SMS. За много неща е необходимо да се приема SMS - иначе телефонът не върши работа.

Питащият е ползвал Google Translate само за регистрацията на форума (поне така пише по-горе - "Lol, I was using google translate to get registered to this forum."). Няма начин да е ползвал Google Translate когато е писал "Sorry, maybe my threat is unclear", защото Google Translate няма начин да сгреши думата thread - т.е. човекът разбира английски, но не може да пише добре на този език. Това е неоспоримо доказателство, че не е ползвал Google Translate - просто не може да пише грамотно на английски.
