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От: От: АЙДЕ! Руснаците влезнаха в Украйна!
Това с "хипербУлизирането" не ми е много ясно (некъв супербик ще да е) , но да погледнем какво казва CBS News според източник от Пентагона:
"A Pentagon spokesperson told CBS Radio that a Russian SU-24 fighter jet made several low altitude, close passes in the vicinity of the USS Donald Cook in international waters of the western Black Sea on April 12.
While the jet did not overfly the deck, Col. Steve Warren called the action "provocative and unprofessional."
The jet was one of two Russian aircraft in the vicinity -- the other flew at a higher altitude.
The Russian plane, which the U.S. says was unarmed, made at least 12 passes. This continued for about 90 minutes. The event ended without incident."
Нали ти е ясно, че сме в пропагандна война. Това, за което говори страна и аз го четох на много места, но всичко идва от един руски сайт, нещата малко се хипербулизират.
Това с "хипербУлизирането" не ми е много ясно (некъв супербик ще да е) , но да погледнем какво казва CBS News според източник от Пентагона:
"A Pentagon spokesperson told CBS Radio that a Russian SU-24 fighter jet made several low altitude, close passes in the vicinity of the USS Donald Cook in international waters of the western Black Sea on April 12.
While the jet did not overfly the deck, Col. Steve Warren called the action "provocative and unprofessional."
The jet was one of two Russian aircraft in the vicinity -- the other flew at a higher altitude.
The Russian plane, which the U.S. says was unarmed, made at least 12 passes. This continued for about 90 minutes. The event ended without incident."