1: "does h1n1 vaccine cause epylepsy" -
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2: Ами всички минават клинични и тестови етапи, да не мислиш, че някой стажант бърка 'странни отвари' и после произвеждат стотици милиони дози?
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During the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic, a monovalent pandemic strain vaccine containing the oil-in-water adjuvant AS03 (Pandemrix®) was offered to the Norwegian population. The coverage among children reached 54 %. Our aim was to estimate the ...
The IRR of febrile seizures 1–3 days after vaccination was 2.00 (95 % confidence interval [CI]: 1.15–3.51). In the period 4–7 days after vaccination, no increased risk was observed. Among the 8172 children diagnosed with pandemic influenza, 84 (1.0 %) had at least one febrile seizure episode. The IRR of febrile seizures on the same day as a diagnosis of influenza was 116.70 (95 % CI: 62.81–216.90). In the period 1–3 days after a diagnosis of influenza, a tenfold increased risk was observed (IRR 10.12, 95 % CI: 3.82 – 26.82).
In this large population-based study with precise timing of exposures and outcomes, we found a twofold increased risk of febrile seizures 1–3 days after pandemic influenza vaccination. However, we found that pandemic influenza infection was associated with a much stronger increase in risk of febrile seizures.
Вмомента имаш някакъв BIAS, а не си доктор, и аз не съм, четем само научни трудове и споделям резултатите.
In Norway, pandemic influenza vaccination was offered from October 19th, 2009. Among the 226,889 children in this study, 113,068 (49.8 %) were vaccinated and 8172 (3.6 %) were diagnosed with pandemic influenza in primary care. Table
1 shows vaccination coverage and distribution of influenza diagnoses by sex and year of birth. Most children received the vaccine in the late half of the main pandemic wave (Fig.
1), and 98.1 % of all pandemic vaccine doses were given before January 1st, 2010.
От това, което казваш, ако не се потърси в гугъл, човек ще си помисли, че 100 процента от ваксинираните, получават епилепсия.