Възможен дългосрочен проект за преводачи от ENG-BG с технически английски


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Първо да уточня, получих го като запитване от акаунта ми в proz, но нямам време за преводи, а предложението звучи сериозно и мисля, че може да е полезно за някой от форума, който си търси работа в момента и има добър технически английски. Всички детайли са в мейла по долу, не ми пишете на мен, а дирекно преведете текста и го пратете на мейла на човека с цена и вече ще си комуникирате, аз нямам нищо общо с дадената компания.

Мейл от proz

let me short introduce our agency ALFA CZ Translation, with its
registered seat in Prague (CZ, Europe) has been offering high
quality translation and interpreting services since the beginning
of the 1990s. You can find more information about us on website
www.alfacz.com .
Now we are looking for a translator ENG-BUL for technical
translations in TRADOS for one of our clients, for him we made
translation from ENG into 7 languages, and now also in BUL. It
will be a lot of files from December 2014 until ca. November
2016. If you are interested in this cooperation, we need from you
translate as quality test for this client following text (180
words), as soon as possible, when possible today and latest
tomorrow and send it to my email addres [email protected] .

Analysis of a 33 year-old indoor climate system
Hoval, one of the pioneers of decentralized indoor climate devices
initiated a pilot project in 2010, in the scope of a bachelor's
thesis to analyze how the replacement of Hoval devices from the
1970s (RoofVent LHW-S-85) with the latest device generation
(RoofVent twin heat) with double plate heat exchangers affected
the device arrangement, the dimensioning of the standard heating
load as per DIN V 18599 and thus also the required value for
non-residential buildings according to the Energy Saving
Regulation and EEWärmeG Renewable Energies Heat Act 2009 (EnEV
2009). The energetic valuation of the hall is based on the
following data (excerpt):
Year of construction 1977
Width 19 m
Length 122 m
Eaves height 13.5 m
Heated building volume 33.611 m3
Building floor space 2318 m2
Winter design fresh air temp. -12 °C
Standard inside temperature +19 °C
Building leak tightness medium tightness (Category II according to DIN 18599-2)
Usage profile
Welding workplaces
Workplaces for flame-cut parts and sawing cuts
Cold forging
Transport routes
Crane track (over the entire length of the hall)

Thank you in advance for your quick answer and good price offer in
EUR / Word for those translations. When we get from client good
feedback to your test translation, you will get next two yers ca. 350.000 words togehter to translate from ENG into BUL.
Best regards
