От преди няколко минути мога да се похваля с това, че съм Top Rated фрийлансър в UpWork.com със 100% Job Success, пълни 5-звезди от ревюта от клиенти и т.н. след 650+ часа работа за клиенти в платформата. 
"Congratulations, you’re Top Rated!
Congratulations! Welcome to Upwork’s Top Rated program – a program for freelancers who have achieved an impressive reputation on Upwork. Perks include:
A Top Rated badge on your profile
Priority phone, chat, and email support
Access to the private Top Rated forum and online office hours
Job Digest emails and customized profile tips
Opportunities to attend or host local events in select cities
Eligibility to apply to our Premium Freelancer Program (only for select skills)
See all Benefits"
А това са условията за влизане в Top Rated програмата им:
- A current Job Success Score of 90% or higher
- First hire on Upwork was more than 90 days ago
- Maintained Rising Talent status or a Job Success Score of at least 90% for at least 13 of the last 16 weeks
- A 100% complete profile (90% for those who brought their profiles over from Elance)
- 12-month earnings of at least $1,000
- Up-to-date availability (if unavailable now, set a date estimate)
- An account in good standing with no recent account holds
- Activity on the platform (proposal, accepted invitation, or earnings) in the past 90 days
Цена на поддръжка на Facebook платена реклама - според бюджета, който ще се харчи
Цена на консултация относно Facebook платена реклама, онлайн магазини, landing pages, conversion rates и т.н. - 50 долара/час
Свободни часове - до 5-10 на седмица. Записване за услугата поне 2 седмици предварително. Услугите се предплащат за месец напред, поне, в зависимост от проекта. И те така.
Поздрави и успех!

"Congratulations, you’re Top Rated!
Congratulations! Welcome to Upwork’s Top Rated program – a program for freelancers who have achieved an impressive reputation on Upwork. Perks include:
A Top Rated badge on your profile
Priority phone, chat, and email support
Access to the private Top Rated forum and online office hours
Job Digest emails and customized profile tips
Opportunities to attend or host local events in select cities
Eligibility to apply to our Premium Freelancer Program (only for select skills)
See all Benefits"
А това са условията за влизане в Top Rated програмата им:
- A current Job Success Score of 90% or higher
- First hire on Upwork was more than 90 days ago
- Maintained Rising Talent status or a Job Success Score of at least 90% for at least 13 of the last 16 weeks
- A 100% complete profile (90% for those who brought their profiles over from Elance)
- 12-month earnings of at least $1,000
- Up-to-date availability (if unavailable now, set a date estimate)
- An account in good standing with no recent account holds
- Activity on the platform (proposal, accepted invitation, or earnings) in the past 90 days
Цена на поддръжка на Facebook платена реклама - според бюджета, който ще се харчи
Цена на консултация относно Facebook платена реклама, онлайн магазини, landing pages, conversion rates и т.н. - 50 долара/час
Свободни часове - до 5-10 на седмица. Записване за услугата поне 2 седмици предварително. Услугите се предплащат за месец напред, поне, в зависимост от проекта. И те така.
Поздрави и успех!
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