Блатния като се беше напил онзи ден - пак е 'напомнил', че имат ядрени оръжия . Кимчо не ползва тая дума толкова често, колкото серящия в куфарче.
Казал е, че ще преговаря - ахахаха - кой да си помисли... Путя да преговаря с нацисти според него - дето щеше да ги денацифицира и демилитализира.
https://www.reuters.com/world/europ...sias-war-ukraine-could-be-long-one-2022-12-07 - Най-интересното сумирано без АНАЛизи - САЩ пращат нова помощ, Иран пък дронове.
On the ground in Ukraine, the entire front line in the east of the country was being shelled, said the governor of the Donetsk region, which is partly occupied by Russia. Five civilians were killed and two wounded in Ukrainian-controlled areas, the governor said.
President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Ukrainian forces were standing their ground in the Donbas, made up of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, despite huge difficulties, but that Russian forces had reduced the town of Bakhmut to ruins.
Казал е, че ще преговаря - ахахаха - кой да си помисли... Путя да преговаря с нацисти според него - дето щеше да ги денацифицира и демилитализира.
https://www.reuters.com/world/europ...sias-war-ukraine-could-be-long-one-2022-12-07 - Най-интересното сумирано без АНАЛизи - САЩ пращат нова помощ, Иран пък дронове.
On the ground in Ukraine, the entire front line in the east of the country was being shelled, said the governor of the Donetsk region, which is partly occupied by Russia. Five civilians were killed and two wounded in Ukrainian-controlled areas, the governor said.
President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Ukrainian forces were standing their ground in the Donbas, made up of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, despite huge difficulties, but that Russian forces had reduced the town of Bakhmut to ruins.