Customer Focus Calculator


New Member
Интересен инструмент (признавам си, че го видях във форума на MoreNiche :) ), който ви показва до каква степен съдържанието на вашият сайт е фокусирано върху вас и до каква степен върху вашите потребители. Според пояснението в сайта, ако вие искате да продавате повече, съдържанието на сайта ви трябва да бъде фокусирано главно върху вашите клиенти, върху това какви думите използвате за да комуникирате с тях, дали говорите главно за тях и техните нужди или говорите главно за себе си:

Customer Focus Calculator

Ето го и резултата от анализа на страницата, чрез която ще продавам хапчета за отслабване:

Your Customer Focus Rate: 77.78%
You have 77 instances of customer-focused words.

Your Self Focus Rate: 22.22%
You have 14 instances of self-focused words.
You have 8 instances of the Company Name.

You speak about your customers approximately 0,004 times as often as you speak about yourself.

Сега остана и продажбите да тръгнат, защото все още нямам такива, но и това ще стане :mrgreen:
От: Customer Focus Calculator

Много добър инструмент. Мерси, че сподели.
От: Customer Focus Calculator

Your Customer Focus Rate: 40.54%
You have 45 instances of customer-focused words.

Your Self Focus Rate: 59.46%
You have 66 instances of self-focused words.
You have 0 instances of the Company Name.

You speak about yourself almost as often as you speak about your customers.
Might you improve that?

И аз продавам хапчета за отслабване :) Блога е на малко повече от 24 часа с около 10-тина статии :)
От: Customer Focus Calculator

Your Customer Focus Rate: 22.22%
You have 2 instances of customer-focused words.

Your Self Focus Rate: 77.78%
You have 1 instances of self-focused words.
You have 6 instances of the Company Name.

You speak about yourself approximately 0,003 times as often as you speak about your customers.
Might that have an impact on your effectiveness?


А се чудя какво не е наред :lol:
От: Customer Focus Calculator

Your Customer Focus Rate: 25.00%
You have 1 instances of customer-focused words.
Your Self Focus Rate: 75.00%
You have 3 instances of self-focused words.
You have 0 instances of the Company Name.
You speak about yourself approximately 0,003 times as often as you speak about your customers.
Might that have an impact on your effectiveness?
Original length of Page (including all HTML)= 16,666 bytes
Content length after stripping HTML = 5,533 bytes
Total word count: 417
От: Customer Focus Calculator

Това не трябва ли да е в секцията за conversion improvement?

Иначе ето и един туул от мен.
Въвеждате УРЛ на сайта, и ви казва къде сте използвали рационални думи, и ви предлага с кои емоционални да ги замените. Много добро! :)
От: Customer Focus Calculator


Your Customer Focus Rate: 83.52%
You have 152 instances of customer-focused words.

Your Self Focus Rate: 16.48%
You have 30 instances of self-focused words.
You have 0 instances of the Company Name.
