Dispute in PayPal! As a Seller!


Well-Known Member
I've sold a voucher. The buyer activated it and everything is right. The problem is that this guy advertised a site that is already blocked by AdWords and now his account is gone. He made a dispute at PayPal and I wonder If my PayPal account could be blocked. What should I do?
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How Can A Seller Win Dispute??

Give all the information that PayPal need. They will consider everything and In the worst case you will have to refund the money to the buyer. That's it.
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I've sold a voucher. The buyer activated it and everything is right. The problem is that this guy advertised a site that is already blocked by AdWords and now his account is gone. He made a dispute at PayPal and I wonder If my PayPal account could be blocked. What should I do?

If the buyer is a member of this forum, you can tell us. No one wants to work with that kind of guy.
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Who has won a paypal dispute as the Seller?

Well, I use ad vouchers too and I know there is a possibility for my account to be blocked when I advertise the same site with all the accounts. The seller can't do anything and I will never open a dispute against him. But still, you should warn people about this.
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Those products are in the category "Non Tangable good" (virtual items). Describe everything, from the fact you've sold him a voucher and everything is fine with that. Unfortunately, this is all you can do.
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How to Dispute a PayPal Transaction: Steps

Like @detre said, PayPal hardly gets a side when the deal is for virtual goods.

Describe the whole situation, make a screenshot when your client said everything is fine. Attach it and say you are selling vouchers. Today I've won a dispute like yours after 2 weeks. I'm the seller.

Interesting resource: http://www.wikihow.com/Dispute-a-PayPal-Transaction
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When the money are sent as a gift, can the seller open a dispute again?
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PayPal Dispute Process

The bad comes when you have a lot of disputes. PayPal will flag you as suspicious and there is a chance they block you for a time. I've seen a lot of blocked accounts that have bulk amounts of transactions and high % of disputes. That way the system decides whether you do something bad or you use the system just to transfer your money while you don't sell any service or a product. This guy is a douche. What he thought when he knows his site is in the black list?

The best advice are above. Be descriptive, attach as much proofs as you can, so they can see your arguments. In the future try to avoid unknown people. They don't deserve your attention when it all comes to money. Made a list with all important things the buyers should know, so a user can decide for himself if the product will satisfy you.

And most importantly - use common sense in such situations. Don't be driven by the emotions, it was never a right solution for the problems.
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Win a Paypal dispute/claim as a SELLER

How would you like to respond?

1. Issue the buyer a refund for the disputed amount of $11.00 USD.

2. The buyer can keep the item(s). Issue the buyer a refund for the disputed amount of $11.00 USD.The buyer must return the item(s).

3. Offer the buyer a partial refund in an attempt to close this claim.(The buyer indicated that a refund of $11.00 USD would be satisfactory.)

4. Provide proof that the buyer has already been refunded.

5. Disagree with claim. I would like to give additional information.

Can someone help me. I don't want to refund the customer, I can win the dispute....
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I've sent everything and now I will wait for PP's decision.

This douce opened the dispute as a deal from eBay. He wants to ruin everything..
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Things to Know About PayPal Dispute Cases

I will use this threat because I have a similar problem. I'm sick of all these arrogant guys of PayPal.

On 19.02.2012 I've sold ~30 voucher and the customer paid by using the PP button on the site. Today I've received a mail for a dispute opened against me by the customer's bank. PayPal blocked the money and now I have to wait. It can take up to 75 days for the bank to investigate the case. I've sent all the data and screenshot I have to prove the delivery of the vouchers to PayPal.

What is the procedure..?

Two months ago the same happened to me...and PayPal took 88$ dollars from my account and gave them to the buyer. They both use the vouchers and then they get their money back.
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Withdraw your money as soon as you get them in your account. After you take your money you can talk with PayPal. They blocked 500 dollars for 180 days and the most important is that I received the money but my account was not restored. The alternative is to use moneybookers, I'm working with them for years and had no problems.
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