Free $100 купон за Facebook от VISA!!!


New Member
Вземете си $100 купон за Facebook от VISA!!!
Намирате Visa Business Network и се записвате и сте готови, аз вече си го взех.

Dear :

Thank you for joining the Visa Business Network! To help you grow your business,
we’re giving you a $100 coupon good towards Facebook advertising credit. Your
coupon must be redeemed and used by XXXXXXX.

Your coupon code is: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

If this is your first time advertising with us, you can create your first ad and redeem your coupon at:

If you are a returning advertiser, you can redeem your coupon by the following:
1. Log into your Facebook Ads account at
2. Click on the “Billing” at the top of the Ads Manager.
3. Click on the “Funding Sources” tab on the Billing Summary page.
4. Click on “Enter Coupon Code” and enter your code as shown above.

Thanks for joining The Visa Business Network!


The Facebook Ads Team

PROMOTIONAL TERMS: The promotional coupon code and the advertising credits are valid only for purchase of advertising through Facebook’s online advertising system. May only be redeemed by Facebook users who add the Visa Application. Advertisers will be charged for advertising that exceeds the promotional credit. Advertisers will need to suspend their ads if they do not wish to receive additional charges beyond the free credit amount. Subject to ad approval, valid registration and acceptance of the generally applicable Facebook Advertising Terms and Conditions. The promotional coupon code and advertising credits are non-transferable and may not be sold or bartered. Offer may be revoked at any time for any reason by Facebook. One promotional coupon code per individual. Promotional coupon code equals $100.00 USD which can be applied to the purchase of advertising through Facebook’s online advertising system. Offer valid only for sign ups using the coupon code or URL link received upon adding the Visa Application. Expires 90 days from date the Visa Application is added to the Facebook account.
От: Free $100 купон за Facebook от VISA!!!

Advertisers will be charged for advertising that exceeds the promotional credit. Advertisers will need to suspend their ads if they do not wish to receive additional charges beyond the free credit amount.

Малко не схванах, аз дали ще разбера колко ми струва рекламата и дали няма да превиша промо сумата?
От: Free $100 купон за Facebook от VISA!!!

Просто трябва да надвишиш $100 да речем $102 и после да си спреш рекламата. Аз съм сложил дневен лимит $5 и съм я пуснал за 21 дена т.е. ако изхарча всички пари ще платя $5.
От: Free $100 купон за Facebook от VISA!!!

В статистиките гледам, че хората се мъчат да купуват и да се свързват с поддръжката (contact.php и order.php - едни и същи IP адреси всеки ден посещават многократно тези страниции...).
