How important is HTML, CSS, JavaScript to Succeed Online?


New Member
May be the question is stupid.. :( From a few days I read about how to make my website. I found a lot of sources in English and Bulgarian.
I found a very nice book that describes how to make the website structure, the logo, to write in HTML. I found HTML lessons online and I started to read and learn. And the problems started coming. As I'm reading I'm finding more and more things that I don't know. Besides HTML there are DHTML, CSS, Java, JavaScript, PHP etc. The summer nor a year will be enough to get something running. Today i found the key to success: blog or a free template.

I really want to hear your opinion, is it true that it is a must to know programming to be a successful in online business? I prefer promoting or talking with clients (I'm studying Personal Relations and I will study this in future too. Programming is not for me. I'm waiting for your answers. Thanks for your time.
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Html, css, javascript - My online Success

How important is HTML, CSS, JavaScript to Succeed Online?

Programming is as important as the taxi cars to taxi companies. Taxis are the only way fort them to make money. HTML is the basics of every website. It is not possible to make a website without it.

Also it is very easy to learn. Easier than JavaScript, ASP, PHP etc.. After you learn HTML you can read a book or two about CSS. It will add a personality of your website, without it your website will not look that good.

With HTML and CSS learned you can build static websites. After that you can start learning PHP the machine that will make your website alive. It is harder but it will get thing going really serious. It is ver functional.

That's it with a few words, the other info you will find in the books about programming.
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Things are not like that, you can be successful without knowing how to program. If you can do it, it is better but if you don't know it, it is not the end of the world.
HTML is enough for editing blog templates or adding advertisements to your site. After this you can make yourself a Blog.

Marina92, I think html for now is enough, if you need something you can read the documentation or ask in the forum. The next step is to get a or account to see how blog control panels are working.

WordPress can be installed to an own domain and use your blog for commercial use. It is against the policy of
Последно редактирано от модератор:
How HTML, CSS and JavaScript work together in making money online

Also do a research for an affiliate marketing in the forum. CJ is one of the fresh examples that work. You can find other Trusted Affiliate Programmes in the forum too.
Последно редактирано от модератор:
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript features and differences

Well to be honest, everything is important. But here comes that you can't learn everything, right?

Coolice's advice is good. From the work with blogs you will learn a lot of thing. Aswell there are some site builders that are very useful for beginners.

The HTML lessons you found can't be used for documentation if you forget something.
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HTML + CSS + JavaScript = My Web Success

My advice to you is different: Start destroying! Download DreamWeaver and and HTML template and start to edit whatever you want. Line by line you will learn what does every single tag.

To make a basic website you need 5 things:

2. Photoshop
3. Free HTML Template
4. Basic knowledge on CSS and HTML
5. Notepad++ it colors the errors in your code.

After you are done with coding, open Photoshop change the pictures or made new. Then open the index.html with DreamWeaver and put the new images. You can edit your code too.

My explanation is bad, but i tried to do it fast. Start with a site that suits your interests, when something bothers you try to solve it.
Good luck if you have questions just ask :)
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coolice каза:
Things are not like that, you can be successful without knowing how to program. If you can do it, it is better but if you don't know it, it is not the end of the world. HTML is enough for editing blog templates or adding advertisements to your site. After this you can make yourself a Blog.

It depends on the point of view. A man could not know a thing about internet. May be he can't turn on his computer. But that is not a limit in the internet business - you can pay someone who can do it for you. I'm addicted to coding and editing my code, blogs are not a choice for men. Everyone has its own favourite way of working.
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It is important to not give up...step by step you will achieve everything

My opinion about making money is that the fastest way is to make a blog and promote herbal products.
Последно редактирано от модератор:
HTML, CSS and PHP - Build your own website

Marina, no one is born with the knowledge to write complex scripts for web,everyone started from the bottom and reached the top some day. Every programming language is important (there is a reason for language to be made) but first start with HTML. Don't go that deep for making a whole website with it now, knowing what means a tag and what it does. That will be enough for editing templates. You don't have to be a programming guru to be successful in online business. There is no doubt it is very helpful but it is not everything. Start with a blog, basic programming skills, something more complex etc. Don't rush at learning everything at once.

Wish you luck.
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Coolice is right about the products, I remember when I made a very cool blog in blogger, but it didn't sell at all, because the product i chose was rubbish. I knew it but i have unique articles and I tried to make them earn some money.
Последно редактирано от модератор:
Do I have to know HTML, CSS, JavaScript to Succeed Online

Change the program, i am not happy with fat loss products and i switched to herbals. Do something like that.
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I tried with different ads, about a different product from the same type and nothing. Just the product is not selling. I can tell what the product is but you will laugh at me.
Последно редактирано от модератор:
Building websites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Thanks for all the answer, you are helping me a lot. I will start by making a website from a template and start going in there and edit it. After i found that i don't have to learn in details every language i felt good. I want to thank again to all of you for the help.
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gangster каза:
I tried with different ads, about a different product from the same type and nothing. Just the product is not selling. I can tell what the product is but you will laugh at me.

You sell pills for small *icks!! :D :D

I agree with coolice too, everyone started from a blog, cms, templates etc. With the time you spend doing this you will learn a lot of things..

How to place things like you want, hot to put a counter and a lot of other stuff. HTML and CSS are the basic. Make your own documentation with the tags and when you forget one you search in there for its meaning. After a few times you will
Последно редактирано от модератор:
Useful HTML-, CSS- and JavaScript Information

Moko каза:
You sell pills for small *icks !! :D :D

Naaah, didn't sell this type of pills. I sold something different. *ick pills will sell better than this :D
Последно редактирано от модератор:
Web Internet - HTML, CSS, Javascript

Well I started the threat so now is my turn to tell you what I have learnt in the past few days.

First thing I found is that if I want to just support my site, not create it from the bottom,I need to have some common knowledge about programming/

I did learn a bit of HTML from

HTML is not enough for building a whole web pages by itself - there are many different languages. The most popular are CSS, Java Script and PHP

2. There is no way to learn everything for a few months so take it slowly.

Now is the time for me to decide if I want to be a programmer or I want to learn about internet marketing and relations with the clients.

I chose the second one with the help of the users here. Now I know programming is not the most important in the online business.

About the taxis in the beginning of the thread: If you have a taxi company you have to know how to keep up the taxi's condition, not how to produce one.

I can have a good-looking site without creating it from the zero. Here is how:

1. I can use a ready-made template and i can choose to change it or not. There are a lot of site for templates.

2. I can do a blog, it looks easier to support and there are so many templates.

I am still looking how to install it, because installation is kind of hard for me.

The only program I use for working with code is Notepad++, there are others that are better for editing, but i don't know which one are more accurate and free.

Now i need to learn how to work with WordPress and then I will make my first blog.
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If you installed it already, the installing of the template is simple. Upload it through FTP in wp-content/themes, then go to the CP and in the tab Themes you will find the freshly uploaded them. I don't know if allow uploading through FTP but i'm sure that there are some free hostings that will allow you to do it. They are great for experimenting.
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HTML/CSS/JavaScript/VBScript Knowledge

gangster каза:
Naaah, didn't sell this type of pills. I sold something different. Dick pills will sell better than this :D

That was the first though that came into my mind, sorry :D I'm sure no one will tell the truth about his small penis :p And if you sleep with a woman who know the size and after using the pills and if they work, your love will find about it, and she will laugh at you like she never did before :D

I though about using the one that whiteness teeth. In my opinion it will sell good, because it is not that expensive and a lot of people what to make their teeth shine bright.
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gangster каза:
That was the first though that came into my mind, sorry :D I'm sure no one will tell the truth about his small penis :p And if you sleep with a woman who know the size and after using the pills and if they work, your love will find about it, and she will laugh at you like she never did before :D

I though about using the one that whiteness teeth. In my opinion it will sell good, because it is not that expensive and a lot of people what to make their teeth shine bright.
No problem, jokes are great! :D I have never tried to sell pills for penis enlargement because almost no one believes in them. You have to put a lot of work to make people buy them.

Marina, calm down. Just start destroying everything. There is nothing bad in using a template..many people that know how to code also use them. You can learn from sites that offer video tutorials with narration.

WordPress is a great beginning and not only will server in the future too. I will make a WordPress blog too in my free time. On every paid hosting there is a feature named Fantastico deluxe, it install different cms's including wordpress within a click.
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