How To Communicate With Our Fans In Facebook

In my opinion you should invest a lot of time in the community. It is not enough to just share some stuff from time to time. You have to make discussions and catch the audience. That way you can get the heart of the user. It takes time but for sure you will see a lot of benefits. :-)
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How Successful Brands Communicate on Facebook

FB users are just like the Google bot or in other words they like original content with high quality. Of course itshould be*something popular among the web. It*is recommended*to*make a discussion, create emotions and make them share opinions with each other. Never treat your fellow fans like animals you can control. Take care for them and they will take care for you. Make the work fun and you will be both happy with*it. After some time you will end up in a circle of*people who*are loyal to you and your page. Tolerate them and make them feel special. They will thank you for everything by liking, commenting, sharing, and buying and so on. A lot of words*could be*written on the topic. Never write a post when you are in a bad mood. It*will not be*good for the page.
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A great verdict! A lot of people who are administrating a page or a group in FB don’t follow these simple but required rules!!!
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How to Use Social Media to Communicate Your Message

Facebook users have*to be*applauded because they are the biggest group of*people who*is sitting a whole day in front of the computer and is talking with the bot behind the page. *
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What Are Your Top Facebook Tips?

A math problem is good and will attract the right users for your product ;) :)
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The best way to gather some fans is to find new friends that have popular posts and a lot of followers. It will be easier to begin the story. If he likes your page or comment on a post of yours, all of his friends will see this on their walls. If you have 10/100/1000 friends of that type…you will*achieve*great results.
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This sounds great, but it is hard to have friends like that will lead the campaign for free. Or even if you find a friend like that, you can’t find a lot of them. A few people can do this like a charm. You need a real leader that can talk and that have a real big pile of knowledge in his head. People that can create content in a niche are working for a lot of money in the big companies. :)
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Facebook should help brands identify inactive fans

You are right for all the thing you said. Most of the people will do it for money and especially when you want something perfect like it*should be. You can ask your friends to do it and for sure a few of them will succeed. I tried to do this and it works but unfortunately money are everything and it*lasted*for only a few weeks. :)
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If you don’t stop with your*spammy*posts, you will get a lot of negative reputation. You are doing this in*the whole forum.
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How to increase Facebook Page Posts fan interaction

Here is a short article on that :)
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I’m trying to promote a*Facebook*page that will represent a sex shop/erotic boutique (whatever is okay with the followers) and nothing works well.
I know that the nice is hard and small. There is no way to have hyper active fans, but comments are*gone*and the likes are not that much. The statistics say that we have a lot of visitors but no one does anything.*Someone hasexperience with a page from that kind?
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The easiest way to see which is best is to spy on your competitor’s pages. See what they are doing and upgrade the strategy so you can do it better.
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The easiest way to see which is best is to spy on your competitor’s pages. See what they are doing and upgrade the strategy so you can do it better.

I found some, but their audience*is gathered*by posting greetings for the good morning and the good night, jokes and pictures for a year or more. After that they started to post ads for the products. The problem is I don’t have that time and I should act fast. :(
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От: How To Communicate With Our Fans In Facebook

You communicate with your followers through your posts, polls, etc, but often you also communicate through inbox and also through comments underneath the posts. The best way to communicate is to show that you care about their opinions and needs, to ask them questions and answer when they ask you something, to share something if they ask you to and if it's so important to them. It, of course, depends on what kind of page it is. But these "rules" are general. I manage a Facebook page that counts 57K followers and this proved effective.
