От: Как да получим първата си поръчка във freelancer.com
За freelancer - да, работил, изкарал, всичко добре. Само че, аз не пробвах по схемата на колегите, а със конкурси. Щото като нямаш рейтинг единствения начин да изкараш е с конкурсите. Резулатата - за един месец, спечелих само 6-7 конкурса. Обаче от тях само 2 бяха за по 90 и 110 долара. Съответно точно тези се оказаха лоши потребители и след 2-3 месеца ми взеха обратно парите от конкурсите
Ето и кореспонденцията ми - почти цялата, без тази в чат системата. Тя са сериозни пръчки, колкото и твърдо да им пишеш
Your balance became $-189.88 USD since the funds from buyipad2com and WIlliamHyattIV were reversed. Their accounts were closed due to violations of the site's Terms and Conditions. The closure of their accounts is final, and we offer no recourse to reopen it, nor transfer their payments on the site.
As a courtesy, we have refunded the contest fees to your account.
I saw your letter and also that my balance is now $ -156.65.
Your quick response and the support they returned confidence in you as an organization.
Thanks for partial refund, but again there are more than 180 USD still missing.
Also, Design some Business Cards for MikeBuysBikes.com - 2 - this contest was $ 110.
This - Create Several Banner (AD) Designs for my iPhone app - was 85 USD.
I see a pretty solid difference in what I earned with my work and what you have translated back in my account.
Can a little more detailed explanation of the case?
Thank you for getting back to us.
The prize money were reversed. Both contest holders have issues with their account and funds. Since you have withdrawn the funds, the reversal caused a negative balance on your account.
If you have any further questions or concerns, you may want to take advantage of our Live Chat Support for real-time assistance via https://support.freelancer.com/index.php or contact us again for an update through this email.
Hello again!
What you write me, do not reply in any way to my questions!
I will ask you directly:
Why was I not informed, in any way, about these things, before directly drawing money from account?
In what way, am I guilty of the misbehavior for these users?
Why am I punished for the actions of these people?
What you did with me - is that a standard practice?
The money that you have downloaded from my account - I have earned it with labor. And I have contracts for earning them and giving authors rights. I have participated in over 70 competition for your site, and I have won only a few of them with labor, using only original designs that are seen by thousands of users.
Now you tell me that all my efforts were in vain?
Responsibility for bad clients is not mine - it is yours!
I sincerely hope to receive honest and specific response and my money to be reconstituted!
Best Regards,
Thank you for mailing us back.
There's no email notification for amount reversals. Although this is inconvenient, this is done so that you would personally contact us about this, allowing us to properly inform you of the situation.
You are not guilty of the employer's actions. However, there's an issue on their end. With this, all the transactions they made were deemed suspicious as well. Thus, to protect you from getting involved with their account issue, the funds were reversed instead.
For further assistance, simply go to our Support Center (https://support.freelancer.com/index.php) for a live chat or reply to this email. You may also save the link as a bookmark for quicker access.
Hello again!
I remain sincerely surprised that you still have not answered my questions and do nothing, although I write for the fourth time now.
Why don't you step on old emails when I write? It will be easy to see then, that every time I write to you about the issue, you don't give me a real explanation.
I'm not an idiot, and an explanation "do it for your protection", and before that just - "we got your money, because other users have broken the rules" is not enough! You took money from my account!
Your explanation this time was this:
You are not guilty of the employer's actions. However, there's an issue on their end. With this, all the transactions they made were deemed suspicious as well. Thus, to protect you from getting involved with their account issue, the funds were reversed instead.
- I find absolutely no logic in this explanation - because there is non! Neither financial nor legal, nor a human logic! You say that I'm not guilty, but the money will remain with you. Do I understand correctly that part?
I do not understand how you protect my interests, by taking my money from the account.
I politely demand, please return the money that I've worked for and have a contracted for.
Because I want to continue to use your platform.
Thats it!
And since I do not feel satisfied with your answers for my questions - I repeat them here:
In what way, am I guilty of the misbehavior for these users?
Why am I punished for the actions of these people?
What you did with me - is that a standard practice?
And I hope this time I will receive honest and specific response and my money will be returned to me.
Thank you for mailing us back.
Your earned funds have been reversed because the account of your contest holders, buyipad2com and WIlliamHyattIV, of your contests "Create Several Banner (AD) Designs for my iPhone app” (197522) and "Design some Business Cards for MikeBuysBikes.com -- 2" (193554), have been closed by Freelancer.com site administrators due to their violation. We have our Tier-2 Support that validates the user's payment transactions to ensure that they are legitimate. Once they have proven that the transactions are illicit, we have no option but to return the payments they made and close their account; thus, the user's funds are no longer in our system. This has been done because we want to maintain our site to be a safe environment to our users like you in doing their online jobs. We are unable to disclose further information about this matter to preserve the security and privacy of the other party.
When the user's account has been closed due to their violation in our Terms and Conditions, we offer no recourse for rebuttal for this penalty. Note that Freelancer.com may terminate the participation of a user if we think that they are creating problems, legal liabilities (actual or potential), infringing someone else's intellectual property rights, engaging in fraudulent, immoral or illegal activities, or for other similar reasons.
Since you have already withdrawn the funds, your USD balance is in negative state. In your case, the only way to get your earned funds is to contact your employer directly. If you wish, we can send emails to your contest holders regarding your payment. Let me know if I should proceed.
You may want to take advantage of our Live Chat Support for real-time assistance via https://support.freelancer.com/index.php or contact us again for an update through this email.
Извода който си направих аз - тия са яко печелбари и изобщо не им дреме. И да им пиша пак, не виждам какво ще се промения - няма да ми върнах загубените доларчета
За freelancer - да, работил, изкарал, всичко добре. Само че, аз не пробвах по схемата на колегите, а със конкурси. Щото като нямаш рейтинг единствения начин да изкараш е с конкурсите. Резулатата - за един месец, спечелих само 6-7 конкурса. Обаче от тях само 2 бяха за по 90 и 110 долара. Съответно точно тези се оказаха лоши потребители и след 2-3 месеца ми взеха обратно парите от конкурсите

Ето и кореспонденцията ми - почти цялата, без тази в чат системата. Тя са сериозни пръчки, колкото и твърдо да им пишеш
Your balance became $-189.88 USD since the funds from buyipad2com and WIlliamHyattIV were reversed. Their accounts were closed due to violations of the site's Terms and Conditions. The closure of their accounts is final, and we offer no recourse to reopen it, nor transfer their payments on the site.
As a courtesy, we have refunded the contest fees to your account.
I saw your letter and also that my balance is now $ -156.65.
Your quick response and the support they returned confidence in you as an organization.
Thanks for partial refund, but again there are more than 180 USD still missing.
Also, Design some Business Cards for MikeBuysBikes.com - 2 - this contest was $ 110.
This - Create Several Banner (AD) Designs for my iPhone app - was 85 USD.
I see a pretty solid difference in what I earned with my work and what you have translated back in my account.
Can a little more detailed explanation of the case?
Thank you for getting back to us.
The prize money were reversed. Both contest holders have issues with their account and funds. Since you have withdrawn the funds, the reversal caused a negative balance on your account.
If you have any further questions or concerns, you may want to take advantage of our Live Chat Support for real-time assistance via https://support.freelancer.com/index.php or contact us again for an update through this email.
Hello again!
What you write me, do not reply in any way to my questions!
I will ask you directly:
Why was I not informed, in any way, about these things, before directly drawing money from account?
In what way, am I guilty of the misbehavior for these users?
Why am I punished for the actions of these people?
What you did with me - is that a standard practice?
The money that you have downloaded from my account - I have earned it with labor. And I have contracts for earning them and giving authors rights. I have participated in over 70 competition for your site, and I have won only a few of them with labor, using only original designs that are seen by thousands of users.
Now you tell me that all my efforts were in vain?
Responsibility for bad clients is not mine - it is yours!
I sincerely hope to receive honest and specific response and my money to be reconstituted!
Best Regards,
Thank you for mailing us back.
There's no email notification for amount reversals. Although this is inconvenient, this is done so that you would personally contact us about this, allowing us to properly inform you of the situation.
You are not guilty of the employer's actions. However, there's an issue on their end. With this, all the transactions they made were deemed suspicious as well. Thus, to protect you from getting involved with their account issue, the funds were reversed instead.
For further assistance, simply go to our Support Center (https://support.freelancer.com/index.php) for a live chat or reply to this email. You may also save the link as a bookmark for quicker access.
Hello again!
I remain sincerely surprised that you still have not answered my questions and do nothing, although I write for the fourth time now.
Why don't you step on old emails when I write? It will be easy to see then, that every time I write to you about the issue, you don't give me a real explanation.
I'm not an idiot, and an explanation "do it for your protection", and before that just - "we got your money, because other users have broken the rules" is not enough! You took money from my account!
Your explanation this time was this:
You are not guilty of the employer's actions. However, there's an issue on their end. With this, all the transactions they made were deemed suspicious as well. Thus, to protect you from getting involved with their account issue, the funds were reversed instead.
- I find absolutely no logic in this explanation - because there is non! Neither financial nor legal, nor a human logic! You say that I'm not guilty, but the money will remain with you. Do I understand correctly that part?
I do not understand how you protect my interests, by taking my money from the account.
I politely demand, please return the money that I've worked for and have a contracted for.
Because I want to continue to use your platform.
Thats it!
And since I do not feel satisfied with your answers for my questions - I repeat them here:
In what way, am I guilty of the misbehavior for these users?
Why am I punished for the actions of these people?
What you did with me - is that a standard practice?
And I hope this time I will receive honest and specific response and my money will be returned to me.
Thank you for mailing us back.
Your earned funds have been reversed because the account of your contest holders, buyipad2com and WIlliamHyattIV, of your contests "Create Several Banner (AD) Designs for my iPhone app” (197522) and "Design some Business Cards for MikeBuysBikes.com -- 2" (193554), have been closed by Freelancer.com site administrators due to their violation. We have our Tier-2 Support that validates the user's payment transactions to ensure that they are legitimate. Once they have proven that the transactions are illicit, we have no option but to return the payments they made and close their account; thus, the user's funds are no longer in our system. This has been done because we want to maintain our site to be a safe environment to our users like you in doing their online jobs. We are unable to disclose further information about this matter to preserve the security and privacy of the other party.
When the user's account has been closed due to their violation in our Terms and Conditions, we offer no recourse for rebuttal for this penalty. Note that Freelancer.com may terminate the participation of a user if we think that they are creating problems, legal liabilities (actual or potential), infringing someone else's intellectual property rights, engaging in fraudulent, immoral or illegal activities, or for other similar reasons.
Since you have already withdrawn the funds, your USD balance is in negative state. In your case, the only way to get your earned funds is to contact your employer directly. If you wish, we can send emails to your contest holders regarding your payment. Let me know if I should proceed.
You may want to take advantage of our Live Chat Support for real-time assistance via https://support.freelancer.com/index.php or contact us again for an update through this email.
Извода който си направих аз - тия са яко печелбари и изобщо не им дреме. И да им пиша пак, не виждам какво ще се промения - няма да ми върнах загубените доларчета