Провала е урока,който показва какви са нивата ни на адаптивност,интелигентост и упоритост. Ако всеки провал добавя повече плюсове към усъвършенстването ти ,отколкото минуси,то скоро успеха ще кацне напълно закономерно на рамото ти. Ако не познаваш падението,как би оценил възхода.
Благодарим ви за отправеното запитване и се извиняваме за забавянето в отговора. Ние сме медийната агенция, която представлява bwin за българия.
Към момента bwin не предлага афилиейт начин на работа за нашата страна. Възможностите за партньори като вас, които смятат и могат да докарат...
My sites are everything,but not shitty. Who the hell are you to jugje,people and their sites. Read some of the content and then try to make better conclusion. For 100 words no one needs help.
Let the positivity be with you;)
Hi all,
As you can see from my signature,I do have 3 sites in English :) If you find yourself as a good writer in one of them, please give me price for unique content of at least 500 words.
I prefer contacts in PM.
Time is on your side:):):)
Flippa is not a bad option, it is an international marketplace for selling/buying websites. "Big Players" are earning a lot there. If you want to make big deals, you have to have very profitable site. They want you to have at least one year statistical data for your investments, incomes etc.
Честита Коледа на всички. Бъдете креативни и будни. Има една мисъл ,че "всички пътища водят до Рим". В нашия случай всички търсения и дръзновения си правят среща в настоящия просветителски форум. Пожелавам на всички участници+създателите му ,да светим толкова силно и убедително,че да не...
Дойде ми една хрумка. Имаше една мисъл,че парите не спят. Ще вложа творчество-хората с идеи са винаги будни и не спокойни. Радвам се,че съм част от това вдъхновяващо общество. Да градиш,значи да оставищ след себе си;):) и не оставяйте никога идеите ви да отлетят или заспят вечен сън:);)
THis is the place where you can reach and touch the world of online opportunities. Thanks , Blinky for giving so many people a lot of opportunities. In my humble opinion , this forum should have 10 times more visitors monthly. You should also cover countries from outside of Bulgaria .
Thanks for...
Rome is not built in a day. This is my favorite sentence. Every big and smart ideas transform after long time of patience, labor and a lot of positive thoughts and friends. If you are alone in an unknown world, then you can only stand there by yourself. If the time is your friend, not your enemy...
Ще му непременно. Не му знам ника. Определено попаднах на място с много будни умове. Живеем в свят на слепци и прогресивно ослепяващи. Надявам се с помощта на една голяма част от стабилните предприемачи тук да увелича мойте сайтове до 100. Поздравления блинки за жестокия форум.
I think to invest in mobile advertisement, but the prices are too high. In near future, I will test this service. Most people, have said and wrote it worth :)
A friend told me about your forum. Since then , I am every day here searching for new ideas and finding many new and interesting people. Congratulation for the marvelous site you did.
Keep up the good work :):):)
Buying/creating websites in the few 2-3 years will be the most profitable niche for good business. Most of the people do not watch TV and do not read newspapers. Being CEO of the information flow, makes you unique and independent !!!!
Invest in advertisement, One small example, bet365 is the biggest bookie in the world and they keep up advertising all around the world, different places and top sports events. The good business has one big friend , its name is called - " advertisement" .
7. Be always two steps in front of your competition.
Blogging is like a game of chess, you always have to think several moves further than your opponent. If you are not good in chess and in strategies, your blog is determined not to succeed :)
The most important thing is to create a blog or site with unique content, you have to be fully devoted at least 120 % to what you do. Money and profit does not come easy. You have to be :
1. Patient.
2. Goal orientated.
3. Fast results and fast winning, does not guarantee you are on the right...
@petya77, Very interesting and right post. Internet and robots will conquer the world, i,e look what is happening with Elon Musk and his inventions. Branding in Internet will be that important for business as breathing the air now :)
I must say , a definitely great post . Predpriemach.com soon will be very popular. It is a place where people with ideas and mentality for on-line business meet and share opinion and ideas.
Keep up the good work, guys !!!!
Word Press is the best platform,people who use it often , will understand me. All my sites are under this platform , also my future project will be with Word Press.
Thanks, mate. I forgot to enter the 3rd one, which is actually brand new , it will be about books, art and culture : http://dare2read.com/.
I will write anytime , I am here . Congratulation for the perfect job you made. The site is awesome