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What’s at risk due to Russia’s nuclear power dominance?
Moscow’s use of energy as a weapon to inflict pain on Ukraine’s allies may be in the early stages.

Western leaders need to immediately consider their exposure to Russian nuclear exports and take steps to reduce it or face another energy shock at the hands of Putin.
There are several segments of the commercial nuclear value chain where a Russian supplier could impact the availability of a reactor in the West to provide power. For nuclear fuel, these include uranium mining and milling, conversion, enrichment and fuel fabrication. For existing Russian-designed reactors, they include providing unique original equipment manufacturer spare parts and services.
Russia has a significant market share in many of those pieces of the nuclear supply chain through its state-owned nuclear company Rosatom. For that reason, various countries around the world are caught in a challenging situation, including the U.S. They may want to extricate themselves from buying nuclear energy supplies from Rosatom to reduce supply chain risk and to stop sending money to Russia, but at the same time, they currently rely on Russian services and materials to run their reactors.
Никой няма да получи енергиен шок освен ако сам не си го наложи. Най много на крадците и лъжците да им се наложи да плащат в Рубли. За да е сигурна Русия че ще си получи плащането. Целия югоизток е смята за надежден партньор.
Както се казва не надежден партньор е този който ти продава а след това ти казва че няма да ти продаде части. Airbus / Boing за да ти държи нарочно самолетите на земята.